Thursday, April 29, 2010

Arizona Work

So these past couple days people have been talking a lot about the new law that just got passed in Arizona, but prior to that people were trying to get the word out, they even made a website which informed people of the bill before it became a law and also was taking poster submissions by artist, so that people can be informed about it, and also help spread the word about what is going on.

I believed very strongly that the bill was wrong in so many ways, and I decided to make a poster, that caught peoples attention, and sent some type of message as well:

to my surprise, it was embraced by many, and it was even used for other blogs, such as:
as well as the
Alto Arizona page

After this... the e-magazine I'm working with published a list of new State Slogans that would fit with Arizona.
And i made the Following:

Which you can view the full article at:
Puro Pedo magazine

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just for kicks.

So here, are some images I made, just for fun.

and here's a picture of my new dog. Well I've had him for about 2 months, he's 3 months old, and he's a labrador retriever mixed (we were guessing maybe rottweiler and pitbull?) anyone
out there that knows about dogs maybe can help me figure it out?