but i finally got to them and here they are please give me feedback... any whether good or bad,
the bad is preferred. Cover isnt exactly done i guess.. so let me know what you guys think.
So first is the {slip} cover where a pack of 4 dvd go in.

next is the outside of the case that holds the Cd's
in this view you can see it closed as it is pulled out of the cover, open from the other side, and fully open looking only at the outside and not the other side {the inside, where the CD's are held

Next is the inside of the case with the Cd's and without the CD's

Last but not least is the Cd's by themselves.

Leave comments and i will give you a candy.
I like the ideas and concepts but I feel like I want to see the turtles somewhere in the design. =)
i feel like the whole X is becoming repetitive I agree the cast should be on it